When it comes to providing your clients with high-quality, reliable cloud services, the name of the game is preparation. It’s no secret that the recent Amazon Web Services outage left numerous companies and Amazon customers high and dry with little to no recourse for their cloud-based needs. To avoid leaving your customers in a similar bind, consider how your team is currently handling clients’ back-ups and cloud storage redundancy.
The following information provides an in-depth look at how MSPs can better prepare customers for outages, interruptions and unexpected changes in cloud services. Not only will these tips benefit your clients’ productivity and efficiency, they will also position you as a leading cloud services expert in your field.
Migrating Cloud Services: What You Need to Know
In the face of potential cloud outages and unpredictable changes, MSPs have several options to address clients’ needs. For example, MSPs may be tempted to migrate or host a duplicate of their entire cloud instance in a backup cloud service. While this may seem like a foolproof strategy to protect clients’ cloud-based information, it will cost you and your clients greatly in the long run. This course of action is bound to inflate your customers’ cloud services bills while providing minimal practicality and accessibility.
Rather than jumping into a costly migration or duplication of cloud-based information, MSPs can take this opportunity to address customers’ pressing needs. The landscape of IT and cloud services isn’t the same as it was even a year ago. Sit down with your clients and discuss which of their needs aren’t being met, their various concerns and how you can enhance their operations going forward.
Reevaluate Your Clients’ Technical Needs
Because cloud services are constantly evolving to meet clients’ shifting needs, your customers may not be aware of their options or which tools they need to succeed. The first step in overhauling your clients’ cloud-based service plan is education. By taking the time to explain the technology that clients will be using day and day out, MSPs are likely to enjoy more satisfied and self-sufficient customers.
In order to fully meet your clients’ needs, it is important to highlight the value of security measures in today’s day and age. With businesses returning to in-person operations, modified workspaces and hybrid remote schedules, MSPs have a responsibility to educate clients on cybersecurity. Although cloud services and IT are in constant motion, one thing’s for sure: your clients’ needs are not the same as they were one year ago.
Win Clients and Provide Superior Cloud Services
Joining forces with the right cloud services partner is the key to success in the world of IT. Cloud Services For MSPs has nearly 50 years of valuable experience helping MSPs just like you provide stellar services to clients across industries. Because we work exclusively with MSPs, we understand your specific needs and desires when it comes to cloud services.
That being said, you never have to worry about our team competing with yours — Cloud Services For MSPs is here to help you thrive, period. To learn more about how to prepare your clients for unexpected outages while providing impeccable cloud services, connect with our experts today. Simply give us a call at (866) 883-8836 or fill out our quick contact form for more information.