As Purchasing Behaviour Changes in Response to the Coronavirus, MSPs Must Adapt – Appealing to the Desires of All Decision Makers, Including CFOs Who Want to Stay Remote and CEO Who Want to Increase Productivity.
Life as we know it is evolving at an incredible rate. We’re all working from home, and for the foreseeable future, we don’t see that changing. This means purchasing behavior is changing too, but how? Most decision-makers will be a bit more hesitant to buy – rendering popular sales strategies ineffective. MSPs must adapt to the changing landscape – appealing to the desires of all decision-makers involved. So how do you make a compelling case? It starts with knowing precisely what decision-makers want.
- CFOs will want to keep employees working remotely, given the drastic decrease in operating costs.
- CEOs will want to increase productivity, given that many employees may not have been as productive at home.
The Biggest Sales Mistake Going Forward? Selling Technology Instead of Solutions…
What do we mean? Time and time again, MSPs aim to sell the technologies they work with – talking about the individual features, such as backup, endpoint security, software as a service, etc. They speak about technology and how it works, but right now, it’s time to sell solutions – how technology impacts their business. Some main focus points should include:
- Greater employee productivity
- Decreased regulatory compliance risks
- Keeping costs under control
This is where the cloud comes in. Throughout coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen the cloud shine – enabling employees all over the world to work from the comfort of their own home. But many business owners still aren’t aware of how to truly leverage the cloud above and beyond public cloud solutions that aren’t designed for optimal productivity and security.
When You Change the Focus of the Conversation from a Technology Standpoint to a Business Standpoint, It’s Easy to Sell Cloud Services…
MSPs must sell cloud services from a business standpoint – highlighting the many ways an investment into cloud services will impact their business in terms of cost (for the CFO) and productivity (for the CEO). Over the past few years, we’ve seen enterprises look toward their data as one of the most significant, most valuable assets – but storing and managing this data can become cost-prohibitive with:
- The purchase of expensive servers
- The space to store servers
- The cost of maintaining servers
Before the coronavirus pandemic, organizations were already opting for the cloud more often than not. Now, the pandemic has become a massive driver for cloud infrastructure and platform technologies, such as infrastructure as a service and platform as a service to support business-specific applications.
If You Don’t Have Cloud Services in Your Post-Pandemic Arsenal, It’s Time to Make a Change…
MSPs that weren’t selling cloud services before will surely need to make a change in the post-pandemic era. The key? Don’t focus on the technical aspects of the cloud, focus on the results:
- Anytime, anywhere access from home.
- Less operational costs in terms of maintenance and support
- Greater security against threats
- Better collaboration amongst team members
Cloud Services For MSPs has been around since 1986 – offering MSPs the ability to sell the cloud as a stand-alone service or bundled into their managed services plan. We provide discounts on the service so you can resell at a price that makes sense for you and your clients.
Let’s discuss how your MSP can take advantage of the latest in cloud technology to serve your clients better. Call (866) 883-8836 to get started.
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