ERP software manages all sorts of processes for businesses. A fully integrated ERP system takes productivity to the next level, managing numerous operations in real time and giving businesses an advantage.
So, why is hosting desktop ERP in the cloud the best way for your clients to integrate the software into their businesses and operate optimally?
There are two distinct options when it comes to ERP in the cloud: using a hosted version of ERP online or a hosted version of desktop ERP. Many MSPs have customers that want their ERP in the cloud, but still want the full suite of features that desktop provides.
They believe the only option is to move their customers to ERP online.
There is a misconception that the only option for MSPs is to move customers to ERP online and have them miss out on key desktop features. Luckily, cloud hosting the desktop version of ERP software is very possible, and using this version provides several distinct benefits to your customers.
Here’s a quick glance at some of the advantages businesses enjoy by switching to this type of setup.
Allows the on-premise version of ERP to benefit from the cloud’s flexibility.
Working with a cloud-hosted version of desktop ERP provides the best of both worlds for your clients.
They get the advantages of cloud redundancy, such as internet access, regular backups, power redundancy, and other concerns, without having to relinquish control over their systems.
Online ERP software does not have all of the same functionality as desktop ERP software.
If your clients predominantly use ERP software online, they may be losing out on some of the benefits that the desktop version of the platform provides.
Your customer will gain the benefits of the cloud by utilizing a cloud-hosted version of desktop ERP.
You have complete control over when and how you upgrade your on-premise ERP software.
You have no control over when your program is upgraded if you use online ERP. This can be nerve-wracking. What is going to be altered? Are you able to make any changes? Is this something that will genuinely work, or are you just trading one set of problems for another?
Hosting desktop ERP software with your cloud provider allows your customers to control the upgrade and choose when they’re going to make the switch.
Access desktop ERP from any location on any device.
Make sure to emphasize to your clients the benefits of cloud-hosted on-premise ERP software. Do they need to use their smartphone to look up an invoice in the field? No problem! This solution gives your clients the freedom to work the way they choose.
By being more flexible in setting up the desktop version of ERP software, you allow your clients to enjoy these benefits and many more. Make sure to communicate these advantages to customers who are interested in having the benefits of the cloud combined with the benefits of on-premise ERP.
Online hosted ERP doesn’t have to be the only solution.