Should You Be Suggesting Stretched Cluster Virtualization to Your Clients?

should you be suggesting stretched cluster virtualization to your clients

As businesses become more technologically advanced, company leaders continue to look for ways to maximize uptime and productivity, while protecting themselves from the unthinkable. Stretched clusters are a relatively new development helping businesses accomplish both and elevating corporate cloud and virtualization strategies to the next level. While there are many organizations able to provide more traditional virtualization paradigms, see why a VMWare stretched cluster may be a valuable addition to your cloud offerings.

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The Big Three Clouds Providers: the Right Choice For MSPS?

The Big Three Might Not Be Your Best Option_

When You Think of the Cloud, Chances Are, Three Cloud Providers Come to Mind: Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. After All, They’ve Dominated the Market for the Past 5 Years… Despite the fact that the “big three” cloud providers have dominated the public cloud market for the past 5 years, they might not necessarily be the best choice for MSPs looking to provide cloud services for their clients. Why? Well, we’re certainly not knocking their capabilities. After all, they’re the best-known cloud vendors around for a reason. They each have a large ecosystem of third-party tools, integrations, and applications built around them, which makes them a fairly reliable source for cloud services.

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Dispelling Myths to Reveal the Hard Facts About the Cloud

Dispelling Myths to Reveal the Hard Facts About the Cloud

Your perception of the cloud could be affecting your judgment about adopting it, selling it and proposing it to your clients. It could be affecting your clients’ judgment as well. Myths about the cloud create confusion for business leaders and for technical folks. Let’s discuss the top four myths perpetually floating around about cloud adoption, migration, and hosting.

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The Future of MSPS Relies on Expanding Value For Customers

The Future of MSPS Relies on Expanding Value For Customers

When businesses look for help with their IT, these qualities currently top their wish lists. Technology is rapidly evolving, and MSPs must respond to market demands to keep up. Over the past several years, MSPs have evolved from offering break/fix services to providing proactive, secure outsourced technology management, and they have grown their businesses by offering peace of mind for their clients. They have grown their service offerings to include virtual CIO services, consulting and project management and VOIP solutions. But what’s next? What innovation should MSPs focus on for 2021 and beyond?

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Can Cloud Services Help With Your Clients’ IT Security Concerns?

Can Cloud Services Help With Your Clients’ IT Security Concerns?

Cybersecurity threats rob small businesses of millions of dollars every day. While many people think the cloud is less secure than on-premise computing, the opposite is the truth. Many industry leaders argue that the cloud is a more secure option for a variety of reasons. Our technical support engineers are experts in cloud security, working with cloud issues every day. We focus on business continuity and how to recover from a cloud security incident. It’s also important to keep intruders out of your clients’ computing environment and protect their hardware with modern tools. How do you secure the cloud, and how can it protect your client’s IT infrastructure?

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What to Do if Your Cloud Providers Goes Out of Business

What to Do if Your Cloud Providers Goes Out of Business

If there’s one thing we can count on in 2020, it’s uncertainty. The impact of the global coronavirus pandemic has drastically changed supply chains, altered consumer behavior, and affected every business around the world. Unfortunately, financial and operational challenges will leave many companies with no choice but to close their doors for good. So, what if your cloud provider falls victim to economic uncertainty and goes under?

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How Will 5G Technology Affect MSPS & Cloud Services?

How Will 5G Technology Affect MSPS & Cloud Services?

When You Combine 5G Technology And The Cloud, What Do You Get? MSP’s Seeing A Greater Potential To Tap Into Markets Or Industries That Need More Than Just Storage Space… As a savvy MSP decision-maker, you are always looking for multiple and profitable ways to offer your cloud services to new markets. Last season, you were focused more on your regional market, offering cloud-based backup services. Now, with the introduction of 5G technology and the expanding cloud provider tool kits, like Cloud Services For MSPs offers, this season looks more promising. And you’ve decided to expand and go nationally with hosted servers, hosted emails, and hosted VoIP services.

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Will Your Customer Info Fall Into the Wrong Hands?

Will Your Customer Info Fall Into the Wrong Hands?

The internet brings us a myriad of opportunities for connecting, socializing, and doing business. It’s helped millions of companies reach new markets, expand their offerings, and, above all, grow. Today, Jeanne DeWitt discusses how this opportunity comes with many risks for businesses, especially small to midsize ones. Cybercriminals understand that small to medium businesses lack the time, money, and resources to create and manage a comprehensive, ever-evolving online security strategy. In a company where every employee wears many hats, oftentimes cyber threats can sneak in, and corporate security posture can be easily overlooked.

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Are You Sure Your Cloud Provider is Certified PCI Complaint?

Are You Sure Your Cloud Provider is Certified PCI Complaint?

It’s Very Easy To Assume All Cloud Providers Are Fully Compliant. But, Upon Closer Inspection Unless You Request Full Disclosure, You May Discover Their Compliance May Not Meet All PCI DSS 12 Requirements… Along with protecting clients, an MSP must take necessary steps to protect their organization when choosing a Certified Cloud provider, like Cloud Services For MSPs. Should that provider not meet the 12 requirements for PCI DSS compliance, it could spell trouble for the MSP wanting to offer cloud services. As an MSP, you need to do your due diligence when inspecting your cloud provider’s compliance. If you haven’t discovered it yet, not every provider stating they are certified can meet the PCI DSS security standards.

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