How The Right Cloud Solution Can Help your MSP Minimize Downtime

Cloud storage communication with computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone in home or work network. Online devices upload, download information, data in database on cloud services. Isometric concept.

With digital transformation sweeping through virtually every industry on the planet, many companies are making the switch to cloud computing. Among the reasons for this switch is the higher level of reliability and reduction of downtime when using cloud-based digital assets. This provides a compelling reason for many businesses to make the change, along with flexibility and lower overall cost. But what about when cloud services have downtime? This can be extremely frustrating for customers who have made the switch to improve reliability, as well as for cloud providers who serve those customers. Let’s take a look at how MSPs can provide reliable cloud services and keep downtime to a minimum. Hire a dedicated cloud provider. Modern IT teams are expected to secure home networks for remote workers and deploy security solutions quickly, all while flawlessly keeping assets up and running.

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Maximize Cloud Adoption With Business Reviews

How to use business reviews and inventory management Tools to maximize cloud adoption

You may already be conducting quarterly technology business reviews, sending monthly reports, or scheduling check-in conversations, but you should also be planning at least an annual full technology business review to discuss inventory and forecast future needs. In what ways can these reviews maximize cloud adoption while keeping your clients safe and netting your MSP additional revenue? Discussing Cloud Adoption You should always be talking about migrating servers and data to the cloud. Cloud migration provides strong benefits for customers and can provide recurring revenue for you. The conversation about cloud adoption is growing easier every day as more than 80% of businesses say cloud-based development and deployment has been their top IT priority for 2021. While you may get some resistance based on monthly prices, clients may be reacting to seeing pricing from large enterprises like Azure or AWS.

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How to Communicate the Benefits of Cloud Redundancy as an MSP

Jeanne How to communicate

Businesses want cloud migrations to be easy, simple, and straightforward. In reality, cloud migrations take a lot more work and planning to fully benefit your customers. An area that deserves significant attention is redundancy. Moving data or business processes to the cloud does not automatically equal redundancy, so it is important to educate businesses on how it protects their processes. Cloud Computing and Redundancy More and more businesses are seeing the value of migrating core services to the cloud. This value is real: cloud computing serves as a viable solution for a wide range of business processes and IT infrastructure. Migrating to the cloud can save money, increase uptime and reliability, and enable massive scalability to a degree that businesses just a few years ago couldn’t have dreamed of. Cloud computing naturally provides value in terms of redundancy.

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Today’s MSP Hiring Challenges

Today’s MSP Hiring Challenges

It can be challenging to grow your MSP business with the current hiring challenges that are happening worldwide. The current tight labor market has made it more difficult than ever to find the right technical team members to grow your MSP business. If your team is already stretched thin, this can limit your ability to add new clients and slow your growth. Today, more than ever, people are continuing to work from home. This has caused clients to increase their demand for technology to help their employees achieve their daily tasks. If you are trying to increase your recurring revenue and clients are placing more demand on your technicians, it is difficult to grow with current hiring challenges and a spread thin staff. Expanding your business may feel impossible, but there are a number of ways to remedy the situation.

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Cloud Objections and How to Address Them as an MSP

Cloud Objections and How to Address Them as an MSP

It’s no secret that businesses enjoy all sorts of benefits from cloud migration. However, despite the many advantages to migrating storage, processes, and services to the cloud, many businesses offer certain cloud objections when the conversation comes up. Are you interested in pushing your customers towards cloud migration but are encountering resistance? Expense: “Cloud Is More Expensive than On-Premises!” When businesses price out the process of moving to the cloud, sometimes it’s true that a cloud server is more expensive than an on-premises equivalent. This is a big hurdle to overcome in a world that’s extremely cost-driven, but it can be done. The key here is to focus on the comprehensive value and ROI of the move, not just the top-line cost difference. With a cloud migration, you gain a degree of reliability, flexibility, and scalability that on-premises just can’t match.

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Is Your MSP Business Missing The Point With Cloud?

Is your MSP Business Missing the Point with Cloud

The only way to escape the cloud nowadays is to be stranded on a deserted island, which makes it puzzling why some MSPs are still skeptical of their ability to sell the cloud and explain the cloud to others. In 2022, a business owner proclaiming that they will “never sell cloud” is signing a death sentence for their business. Is your MSP missing the point of the cloud? Cloud is not going away. That’s a fact. However, if you think it can be ignored, think again. Are you fooling yourself about the cloud like other MSPs that I have talked to? Are you the MSP that says, “It isn’t in my client’s best interest, so I ignore it”? Even if your client isn’t ultimately interested in moving to the cloud, you need to educate them; if you aren’t educating them, your competitors are.

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Why To Adopt A Cloud First Strategy For Your MSP Business

Why adopt a cloud first strategy for your MSP business

Cloud: It’s not going away. In fact, cloud has completely redefined the IT industry and managed services. MSPs today need to embrace the cloud in order to meet the demands of clients having more and more remote workers, and the first step to this is by adopting a cloud-first strategy. What are the advantages and disadvantages to becoming a cloud-first MSP? What is a cloud-first MSP? Given the choice between relying on a local, on-premises resource or one based in the cloud, a cloud-first MSP chooses the latter. This doesn’t mean that MSPs must move every part of their business to the cloud, but it does mean taking a “cloud-first” approach when making decisions for client technology. By making the cloud the default basis of their operations, MSPs gain the following advantages: Scalability: they can increase or decrease resources on demand.

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How to Maintain Robust Security For Your MSP Consumer

How to Maintain Robust Security for my MSP Customer

Cybercrime is constantly evolving. With many businesses transitioning to the cloud in recent years, the cloud has become a significant target for cybercriminals worldwide. As an MSP, you need to make sure that you are providing up to date cloud servers with robust security options to prevent unauthorized access to your customer’s information. What are some of the most common ways to help your customers cloud servers stay secure? One common way to strengthen the security of your customer’s cloud server is by using a firewall. Firewalls act like a wall which can help to prevent hackers from attacking. Think of them as a gatekeeper. How do they help? Monitor Traffic. Firewalls monitor traffic coming in and leaving your cloud server. A firewall will inspect this traffic for threats and if found, will block them. Protect against malware.

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How to Use Business Reviews and Inventory Management Tools to Maximize Cloud Adoption

how to Use Business Reviews and Inventory Management Tools to Maximize Cloud Adoption  

Whether you are using your remote monitoring and management (RMM) software or more enhanced tools such as Scalepad to track client asset lifecycles, you should be discussing aging infrastructure and warranties with your customers. Failing to do so is putting them at risk and costing you additional revenue. You may already be conducting quarterly technology business reviews, sending monthly reports, or scheduling check-in conversations, but you should also be planning at least an annual full technology business review to discuss inventory and forecast future needs. The best time to do this is when companies are planning their budgets for the upcoming year. Delivering the Tech Plan During the tech review, you should pull an inventory of all of their assets and provide a technology plan for replacing or retiring inventory that’s aging out, reaching the end of life, or needs upgrading to meet future business needs.

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The Advantages of Cloud-Hosted QuickBooks for your Clients

The Advantages of Cloud-Hosted QuickBooks for your MSP Clients

Let’s take a minute to talk about QuickBooks. As one of the most popular accounting programs available on the market, the capabilities and flexibility offered by QuickBooks makes it a common choice for many businesses. What can hosting the desktop version of QuickBooks do to improve your client’s workflow and make their job easier? The Benefits of Cloud-Hosted QuickBooks There are two distinct options when it comes to QuickBooks in the cloud: using a hosted version of QuickBooks online or a hosted version of desktop QuickBooks. Many MSPs have customers that want their desktop versions of QuickBooks to be in the cloud, but they believe the only option is to move their customers to QuickBooks online. Luckily, cloud hosting the desktop version of QuickBooks is very possible, and using this version provides several distinct benefits to your customers.

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